It’s Time For Reflection

Presentation Lee McKing and reflection

Actually a reflection can be done monthly too as this helps you stay on track

So this is specifically a yearly (or is it annually?) reflection 🙂

And usually we do a reflection at the end of the year as we look back on what we have done, so we know what we can improve upon for next year!

Hence, I will like to invite you to do a reflection too

And you can share with me too if you like

So anyhoo, here’s my reflection for 2019

Let’s start with the “bad” bits of 2019

Well to be honest, there was a moment somewhere in the middle of the year where I felt alone

Lee McKing and my inner demons

Like I had no support from people around me

No one was sharing my blog

Nor supporting me

Among other things

I felt discouraged


And a bit lost

Like whether I’m doing the right thing as a hypnotist

It felt demoralising to say the least

I actually felt the jaws of depression nipping at my ankles again

(I’m still human, aren’t I?”)

Some of my friends told me to “get over it”

Or “just do it”

Or to change my blog style

(Cause apparently from a marketing perspective, my blog doesn’t catch enough attention to be share-worthy)

It took me a while to get back and stand tall (thankfully I could)

It was the realisation that very few will want to share a blog post about hypnotism

It’s true

In fact, there are people, like you, who enjoy reading my blog posts

It’s just that, most of the time, you will tell me in private, instead of sharing in public

Or when my clients meet me and they share with me how their eyes were opened when they read my blog

And they felt hopeful

One client shared how she read… and read… and read for 5 hours straight!!

Cause it was so interesting, and eye-opening for her

That she read from midnight to 5am!

Tip: Don’t read my blog at midnight

The others read my blog and told me how a particular article opened thir perspective on things

It made them realise something important

That was nice, you know

To know that what you are doing is really making an impact in people’s lives

I’m so glad and thankful that you, my readers, my clients, my fans, enjoy my blog posts

And I totally understand the misconceptions the general public has about hypnosis

And hence understand why you don’t share in public

It’s cool!

As long as I know it helps one person at a time, I will continue to strive

And write my blogs

That are said to be genuine, honest, open

(I cannot remember what else my readers have mentioned about my blogs, if you want, you can leave a comment or PM me so I can add it in)

That’s my biggest takeaway for the year to be honest

I do have other reflections, but the learnings might not be as impactful as the above heheh

Another reflection I have (Ok this isn’t bad, but it isn’t good either hmmm…)

Is that I didn’t write a book this year

I have authored and published a book each year for 3 years but this year I decided not to

I am writing something though, just that things have gotten busy, and also because I decided to take it slow, I’m taking my time to write it

It already has about 9000 words though hehehehe

It’s partly because I got some physical copies of my 3 other books still in my office that I haven’t sold

And I kind of wanted to sell some more of them off before I published the 4th book 🙂

I only recommend my books if I feel it might help you or interest you though

Hence why I still got quite a few left

So what’s good to me for 2019?

So I counted the other day and turns out I have been interviewed 7 times this year

Click here if you want to watch the first time they tried hypnosis!

Woah! That’s crazy!

It sure is

Not all 7 are up on the web yet though

And another interesting fact, is that they all consists of written, audio, and video!


I’ve been interviewed for articles, videos and even podcasts this year alone

And they are by both local and overseas!

So weird, yet cool, at the same time

I’ve also been getting more clients from overseas as compared to last year

And of course, that’s very good

Last year, most of the clients from overseas flew to Singapore to look for me

This year, I did a couple over Skype, Zoom etc

It does open up the potential if I could have enough back to back

Like how I see my current clients you know

Having a day of back to back clients through online hypnosis

That’s so cool~

But of course, meeting my clients face to face is still the best

You won’t have a fear…

The fear of unstable internet connection!

Hey that happened you know ahhaah

I did hypnosis via Zoom with a guy from Europe just over the weekend

And for a couple of seconds, that dreaded message appeared

“Your internet connect is unstable”

Thoughts ran through my mind!

“We are in a regression so will he be ok?”

“I did set up my safety barriers correctly didn’t I?”

“Can he hear me if I speak now?”

Then the message disappeared, his head moved and he replied


I started breathing again and continued

So while it will be great to do a full day of online hypnosis

Nothing beats face to face in my opinion


Another awesome thing is that a few more clients this year are ok to give me a testimonial

As you probably know, not a lot of people will want to give a testimonial

Whether it’s because they are shy, or afraid of people knowing etc

And I’m cool with it

Though it means lesser testimonials overall for people to read

Oh yea, you could check out the testimonials here

And if you do have a friend who is interested, let them read the testimonials and decide for themselves if they want to have a chat with me 🙂

Another cool thing is that I was invited to Mediacorp to share how hypnosis works to an actress and the staff

This is because they will be implementing what I share in an upcoming show!

Someone told me I can call myself a hypnotist consultant already


I’m just glad the misconceptions of hypnosis are slowly being reduce and remove one at a time 🙂

(And no, I’m not going to tell you who is the actress nor what is the show about so don’t ask me about it lol)

Hmm… is there anything else regarding my business…

Nope, cant’ think of anything else shrug

For personal stuff, it’s all going good!

Presentation love


I’ve just crossed a year for my relationship and things are going well!

I mean, if you know my background story, you will know that my lung burst for no reason before

And this has caused a trauma in my life and the lives of my family

Doctors said they have no medical reason for why my lung burst, so just tell me to watch out and take care

That made my mum afraid that my lung will suddenly burst

Hence, she doesn’t allow me to travel overseas

Which I understand cause, if anything were to happen, it wouldn’t be very nice, now would it?

However, once my girlfriend came into the picture, and how we take care of each other, this frees up opportunities for travel

I flew to Mount Fuji and Toyko, Japan in April to see the Sakura Blooming!

Lee McKing and japanese sakura

That was EPIC

And once more to Hiroshima to see bunnies on bunny island!

Lee McKing and the rabbit

And later on in the year, to Thailand and Penang to eat and have fun!

Of course, we saw many things during our holidays hehehe

Life has been awesome to say the least

Although I probably need to start saving money for cough cough… ahem… the future soon…

Wish me luck! XD

I wish you a awesome Merry Christmas for 2019 and a Happy New Year for 2020!

It does make me wonder though…

What’s next year going to be like? 😀

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