mental health awareness

6 posts

Presentation Lee McKing and freeing you from your mind

Why We Are Living Life Wrong

You know what? This can go into multiple paths in different aspects of life Whether it is the pursuit of happiness, how to attain wealth, finding love etc etc Today I will be going along the line of mental health But hey, if you are curious about the other aspects, […]

Presentation Lee McKing and world mental health 2019

On Suicide Prevention

10 October 2019 is World Mental Health Day and in particular, the focus is on suicide prevention Of course, someone might have suicidal thoughts based on various reasons, ranging from mental health issues, to gambling, other forms of addiction, financial issues and more Any of the above, or even a […]

Presentation Lee McKing and mental health awareness month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

And just in case you are wondering, mental health doesn’t mean the person is crazy or something Mental health is like physical health Just as you want your body to be healthy, we want our minds to be healthy too The question is, what is mental health? There might be […]